Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hi Friends!

I will be updating this blog probably once a week or once every other week as applicable with the purpose of keeping you up to date on my escapades in Europe. I'm going to be studying Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) located in Lyngby Denmark (10 mi north of the capitol city, Copenhagen) with two of my best friends, James and Stephen. (In the picture below, James is the one in the middle and Stephen is the one on the right). These are guys that I took my senior design class with. They are a constant source of support and motivation to pursue excellence in school because of how easy to get along with and how driven they are. I'm excited and grateful to be studying with them (even though we're not taking the same classes). 

Right now we're planning on taking classes Monday - Wednesday to allow for travelling throughout Europe on the weekends. At this point, we would like to travel to Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, and Spain while we are here. (We'll be in Europe throughout December 21st and we leave later today). One thing that would serve me and my friends (since we don't know much about Europe) would be recommendations within these countries for good cities/sites to see (but of course, no pressure).


  1. Have an awesome time!! It will change your life! Make sure to make a trip to Italy and the Alps. In my opinion, nothing beats it.

  2. Josiah, you are blessed! May God use you in a great way while you're over there. You are there for a reason, and it's not just studying engineering. --Boxley

  3. Make sure you stop by Geneva and check out Reformation Wall!

  4. This looks great! I can't wait to see more
    Praying for you
